Clutch Blog 4


Branding Agency


Branding agency, Percept Brand Design, makes mark as a Clutch game-changer.

Branding is the best tool businesses can leverage to nurture a competitive edge that can fuel their growth and serve as the foundation for their futures. Without a strategic and compelling branding solution in place, companies fall flat and feel generic. It’ll be impossible to make a lasting impression with lackluster branding.

Here at Percept Brand Design, we’re committed to providing world-class branding and design solutions for businesses that want to achieve exceptional results. We are a passionate team of highly-skilled and experienced professionals ready to execute our clients’ brilliant ideas.

Through the tremendous support of our clients and the success of our partnerships, we’ve made waves in the branding and digital industries. In fact, Percept Brand Design was ranked highly on Clutch’s esteemed shortlist for game-changing branding agencies in Australia.

Clutch is a Washington DC-based B2B reviews and ratings website designed to guide browsers through different industries across the globe. The site is known for helping potential corporate clients connect with trusted service providers from sectors such as marketing, development, design, and business services.

The elusive game-changer rank can be earned by consistently demonstrating exceptional expertise and leadership. The companies included in the shortlist have accomplished many feats with their clients, having a good track record of successful projects.

We wouldn’t be included in the rank if our clients didn’t support us. We owe our achievements to their tremendous trust, so it’s only right that we extend our sincerest gratitude. Thank you so much to everyone who stood by Percept Brand Design through the highs and lows! We sincerely appreciate you all.

“When initially selecting Percept, one comment which I had passed onto our management group was that judging by Percept’s current portfolio and proposal, I believed that out of the shortlisted agencies I had spoken with that Percept was most capable of delivering a brand that was ‘us’. They did just that. I thought Percept’s portfolio of works was modern, but each had a unique identity that was memorable.” 

— Marketing & Development Executive, Austen Building Group

Partner with Percept Brand Design and let’s execute your ideas. Drop us line and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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