Wild Child

Communication Designers

Branding agency, Percept, was the communication designers Sydney, Australia, chosen by cosmeceuticals company Wild Child, for this corporate brochure design.

Case Study

Communication Designers Sydney

Communication designers Sydney, Percept, was the branding agency selected by Wild Child for their branding and corporate brochure design.

Wild Child is an Australian artisan in premium natural, organic and therapeutic cosmeceuticals product development. When they wanted to update their branding in line with the progress of the company and the opportunities that were arising for them, communication designers, Percept, were asked to develop their new branding including brand identity and printed marketing communications in the form of this corporate brochure design.

Wild Child are a highly qualified team of experts with the passion for fine natural products, so their new branding needed to present them as a professional, modern company with cutting-edge technology and great experience within the cosmeceuticals industry.

The resulting brand identity reflects all that the brand stands for in a sophisticated, timeless way, whilst conveying a natural feeling and capturing their personality in the branding.

As the master brand-mark, the brand identity design has also been created to work alone and with the sub-brands ‘baby’ and ‘cosmeceuticals’.

Percept’s communication designers then developed a premium promotional piece that represents Wild Child as a well established company, reflecting their approach to natural products as well as their new branding style.

This corporate brochure design is based on stylised photography of the raw ingredients sitting alongside product shots, helping to portray the process they undertake for their organic products. Photos of natural beauty also complement the product shots, along with textures and a raw, natural and balanced layout help position them appropriately.

Percept’s experience as a branding agency and communication designers Sydney, helped us choose special finishes such as a spot UV on the front cover and transparent pages that feature throughout to provide a soft, organic look and tactile feel. The resulting corporate brochure design is a premium, professional piece that has been very well received worldwide since its production.

If you are interested in communication designers Sydney, Percept would like to hear about your project. Please contact us to get the conversation started.